Todd joins Letizia for Winter Fair
Todd will be joining Letizia and her band at Winter Fair

Triumph Over Stroke Brainwave Bash
This will be Todd’s only public performance of the summer in CNY.

Artist & the Astronaut in Galveston, TX
Todd will be joined by Bill Muench at the famed and historic Grand 1894 Opera House in Galveston, TX for a screening and interview.
Private Event
Todd & Letizia will be entertaining a select group for a client event featuring Brett Hobin & Gary Lucas

Artist & thE Astronaut - Cornell
We are expectin Pat Musick to be in attendance. DETAILS HERE as we get them.

Artist & the Astronaut Screening
Pedagogical Seminar
A select group of college professors discuss the art and science of teaching.

Le Moyne College Jazzuits
Carol Jacobe’s 20th Anniversary concert - featuring the music of Manhattan Transfer

Le Moyne College Jazz Ensemble
The Le Moyne College Jazz Ensemble performs music of the big band era and classic jazz standards.. . . . Student tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the PAC box office, lemoyne.edu/vpa or (315) 445-4200. A limited number of free student rush tickets are available beginning one hour prior to the performance.

Le Moyne Spring Choral Concert
The Le Moyne College Singers and Chamber Singers present a variety of choral music in addition to music for the eclipse that highlight stages of major life events. . . . . Student tickets are $5 and can be purchased in the PAC box office, lemoyne.edu/vpa or (315) 445-4200. A limited number of free student rush tickets will be available 1 hour prior to the performance.

Artist & the Astronaut Screening - Salt Lake City, Utah
The Maven Theater in Salt Lake City Utah will host a screening of the Artist and the Astronaut - Q&A session afterword will the Director Bill Muench
Tickets: The Artist and the Astronaut (2022) | Maven Cinemas

Private Trio Gig
Todd with Brett Hobin and Gary Lucas doing their Trio thing at a private event… in Syracuse!!! Home at last.
Todd Conducts Orchestra in Grateful Dead Tribute
Todd will be conducting the orchestra for this unique tribute concert.
Todd Hobin Rides Again
Todd and Brett sharing the love and memories. Should be a blast. Lots of great bands, too.

CANCELLED!!! Orchestral Tribute to the Grateful Dead
This event will be rescheduled. As you can imagine, pulling together all of these musicians takes some time… and luck. Hang in there. Todd will be conducting the CNY Pops Orchestra in a tribute to the Grateful Dead featuring Dark Hollow.

Anatomical Gift Memorial Service
Todd will be performing with Dr. Lynn-Beth Satterly and Cassilyn Wolff - in support of this intimate memorial celebrating the lives of people who gifted their bodies to science.
Soundcheck 40th Anniversary Concert
Todd will be joining a great list of performers to celebrate Dave Frisina’s 40th Anniversary of his remarkable Soundcheck radio program. Broadcast LIVE. SOLD OUT!!