March 26, 2022

Spring arrived right on schedule. The calendar says so. It’s a little chilly out here at the lake, but our geese returned home to settle in for the summer. No doubt in a couple of months there will be a new gaggle of goslings foraging the beach and lawn for some tender morsels. The same pair (and their ancestors) have made Foxfield Woods their home every Spring for eons.

Joann and I also returned to our lake house wildlife habitat this week. It’s so nice to be home. The beach on the Outer Banks is lovely, and we really enjoyed our time there, but as the song goes, “Home is where you hang your heart.”

Outer Banks, North Carolina

I apologize for not blogging for these many months since my last post in October. My ridiculous schedule hasn’t allowed for anything but dealing with the workload.

The movie “The Artist and the Astronaut” is coming along nicely. Our Rough Cut is done. We’re just tidying up the musical score and sound design before going to market with it. No release date, but safe to say, it will be this summer. Fall at the latest.

I’m working on my fourth “Old Doc Turtle” book, “Bee Scared Too.” The hardcover and paperback versions of the first three compilation is out. As well as a lovely version of “Bee Scared” in Swahili. We’ll be posting an article or two on this website about all this stuff… including the Irv Lyons Jr. album that is ready to pop.

AGAIN, so sorry for not writing and keeping you in the loop. Without any band shows planned it must feel like not much is happening. But, like our geese friends, all the action is underwater. I miss playing live. I miss you. God Bless and please stay safe. We will all be together again soon.



April 3, 2022
