Labor Day 2022

Labor Day signifies the end of summer. It is the last day of the New York State Fair here in Central New York. Closer to home, right here in Foxfield Woods, our geese are flying in formation and will soon head South. Even our ducks are getting a little restless. We have two large families of ducks. The early Spring hatchlings are already flying and looking great. But we are a little concerned about some late bloomers. Nine young ducklings are still waddling their way up to the house to see if they can sneak some seed from the feeder. Our hope is that mama duck will encourage them to start flying. She is doing a great job of plumping them up.

The surest sign for me of the end of summer is clearly the start of classes. My guitar studio is packed with excellent guitarists. I’ve got some newbies too. The first week on campus is always invigorating.

Looking back - our summer adventures were many and marvelous. Lots of travel. Some great visits with the grandkids, and some wonderful concerts too. But, I’m ready to roll into Fall



September 27, 2022


August 15, 2022