January 6, 2025


This is one of those dates that rings a bell. What the heck happened on that date? Nothing good. That’s for sure. At its very best I suppose some would call it “some nice citizens taking a tour of the Capitol Building.” At its worst, it was a very dark day for democracy.

The original plan, by the founding fathers, was unique and ballsy. Let’s take a vote every four years and whoever wins will run the Country for the next four years. Crazy idea, right? Who would ever want to give up the throne once you’re sitting there? Only one guy so far. He kinda whined and tried to overturn the will of the people. Odd, he didn’t have to. Just wait four years and take another shot. That’s how a good democracy works.

Anyway, in a couple of weeks, that guy will have another chance to work the controls his way. We will all see what we voted for. Some people will be very happy. Others, probably not so. But, that is the way of it. Roll the dice and pray.

I do hope that all of us who pray, pray for good outcomes. Pray that only good things come down the pike for all Americans. Pray for success. Regardless of who is making the decisions.

My hope is that January 6th doesn’t become some kind of sad National Remembrance day. My hope is that we move forward… together. Except for the criminals who invaded the Capitol Building with hate on their minds. They committed serious crimes and should pay their price before reentering the general population. There is no place for violence in political discourse.

Hmmm… that sounded a little like a rant. Sorry about that. A songwriter observes, ruminates, and shares. I don’t think I have a song for this one. I just want to move on.


Speaking of moving on. Do you see that photo up there at the top of the page? That’s my young wife leaving me in her wake. We’ve been skiing cross-country for the last couple of days. We love getting out on the trails through our woods and across the farm fields here at the lake. Damn, it was cold today.

My advice to all of you who are approaching my age. Start slow. We are NOT that young anymore. But, do get out there and enjoy this beautiful Upstate New York weather.


Todd To Play Winter Fair


January 2, 2025