March12, 2025
The current journal
Winter is always my time to write and draw. No gigs. I do have a boatload of students at Le Moyne to keep me busy. The rest of my work is in the preliminary stages of development. Here’s a quick summary. I don’t want you to think that I’m getting lazy in my old age.
Old Doc Turtle - I started illustrating the next adventure book for children in the series written by Richard Faith.
Songwriting - My notebook is exploding with new songs. We have also committed to recording songs we’re already playing. Sorry, we are way behind in our recordings. I’m writing arrangements now.
The Artist and the Astronaut - is still winning awards around the world. Bill just won a Best Director’s Award at the Barcelona Film Festival.
An Arrow Shot Through Time - Our next film! We start shooting this month. We need some angels to help us out with some expenses. Donations are tax-deductible. Our story will take us to Mississippi, Oklahoma, Ireland, and two locations in New York, along with various stops around the Country. More on that soon.
Triumph Over Stroke - We put together some Sunshine Care Packages for the Stroke ICU at Crouse - Info and activities for the families and patients.
B’ville Arts Hall of Fame - Our next Induction Ceremony is April 2, 2025!
I’m going to drop a few photos below. Storyboard sketches and character ruffs for the next book, some random shots from shows, and of course…. the snow out here at the lake. Snow removal felt like my full-time job these last two months. We still have a few feet of snow on the ground and the frozen lake. More ice to melt on the road coming in too. Ugly… and beautiful at the same time.