This Week in the Studio



The studios are still dealing with very limited visits by talented musicians, artists, and producers. Much of the work is being done remotely. Without any concerts on the schedule Todd, Brett, and the rest of us here in Hobinville are focusing our full attention on producing the best music and art that we can produce.

Here is a brief look at some of the projects currently in production.  Some are soon to be released for your listening and viewing pleasure. Others are going to have to wait for safer times. We wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day and hope your days are filled with love.



Last Sunday’s zoom conference call between Todd and producer/director Bill Muench was very special, indeed. They were joined by Pat Music herself. Pat is the artist in The Artist and the Astronaut. Also on the call were Pat’s daughters.

The film is in post-production at Hobin Studios. During the call, Todd shared the first 10 minutes of the finished audio post. That part of the film was recently re-crafted. Seeing and hearing the music, sound effects, and audio under some pretty spectacular images from space and history was an emotional experience for everyone. There is a heroic melodic theme that runs through the entire film. This was the first time anyone outside of the production team had ever heard it. It reminds us all of the power of music and the love that the Hobins and the rest of the team put into their work.

Team member Neil Minet just finished crafting three existing tracks of SFX to the film and dropped them back onto the timeline all synced up. He continues his work on the dialog track. There are many interviews, historical pieces, and live-action to cull from the original footage. Each piece needs to be synced to the timeline. It’s tedious work, but ever so necessary in producing a first-rate film. It all takes time. Lots of time.  Shane Patterson is preparing a final Atmos mix for theatrical and surround sound release. Brett and Todd are still dropping music and addition SFX onto the timeline. Todd is composing and composing and composing the music for a 94-minute full-length feature.


Right in the middle of film production, Full Cast Audio brought in an amazing new project. With team member Andrew Sudol at the controls, Bruce Coville directed a production of Ivy, Katherine Coville’s latest novel. This is an enchanting children’s book filled with interesting characters. In typical Full Cast Audio form, all the roles were ably handled by some of the best voice-talent anywhere. One of our favorites, Carmen Viviano-Crafts carried the heavy lifting of Narrator. You will recognize the voices of many of the other wild and crazy characters in this audiobook. It is due out very soon. The book is published by Random House Children’s Books.

Brett did a masterful job of editing and mixing. In just three intense sessions he recorded and mixed Todd’s music score. Yes, Todd was composing, and composing, and composing. The music features solo oboe and flute, backed by harp and strings. It is enchanting as the book.

Speaking of books. The art studio is humming along at a good clip. Todd is illustrating a new Old Doc Turtle Adventure for Jongleur Press. The fourth children’s book in the series will be titled, I Can’t See, said Mandy Manatee. The story focuses on one little manatee and her not so good vision, which eventually puts her life in danger. Old Doc Turtle will surely come to the rescue and prescribe just the right solution. Richard Faith’s stories help children understand good health habits in a caring and entertaining way.

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On Wednesday the team learned that Amazon will be releasing book three of the series in hardcover! We don’t know how he does this or where he finds time, but Todd reformatted the artwork for Bee Scared and shipped it off to the publisher. It should be available online and in book stores soon. We will be sure to make an announcement when that happens.


Le Moyne is back in session for the Spring semester. Todd is teaching Audio Production 101 and will continue teaching in his guitar studio. The professor still enjoys his time with his students. It was something he thought he would do in retirement for a “little while.” That was over ten years ago. And needless to say, retirement doesn’t seem to be a word that he understands.

 On Thursday Todd produced Episode 17 of Record Store Radio featuring New Orleans musician Terrance Simien. It’s a great episode. Listen here and share it with your friends.

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There is a project brewing under the radar that we thought you might like to know about. Todd has been writing with and producing Irv Lyons, Jr. These longtime friends have already completed three songs for an upcoming release. The CD is scheduled for a summertime unveiling and will feature a wide variety of artists. Private Invitation is the title track. Todd will be directing a music video to accompany the single, which will be released before the album. The Lyons/Hobin song and the music video will feature Kirsten Tegtmeyer.


That’s it for now. Please stay in touch with us. We look forward to seeing you all, God willing, later this year.


Celebrating Those We Lost in 2020


Mardi Gras!!!