June 4, 2022

Must I always start one of these Journal entries with an apology? YES, I have been remiss. Oddly enough, my personal journal is totally packed with entries—the old-fashioned paper and pen version from back in the dark ages.

EVERYTHING goes in these hand-written journals. The online version is something I started just to let my family and friends know what I was up to. A way of letting you know BEFORE it ends up in a newspaper or released to the general public. ANYWAY, since my last missive, this is what’s been going on.

We just got back from the Gawlik Awards in Manchester, VT. Bill Muench is retiring from his teaching position in the film department to focus all of his attention on our film, The Artist and the Astronaut. In July we will be putting the finishing touches on this documentary. It is stunning if I do say so myself. Bill has done a brilliant job of storytelling. I am so honored to be working with him on this project. Brett and I will be finishing up the overdubs on the score. There are six new songs in the film and tons of underscore. HUGE project. It’s a full-length feature documentary. MORE on that in later posts.

Bill produces the Gawlik Awards Show. This year he invited Joseph Wooten to perform. Joseph is Victor’s brother. He is also Steve Miller’s keyboard player. And he has been for the last thirty years. I love this guy. He’s a great entertainer, singer, player, songwriter, and motivational speaker. We’ll be staying in touch. Particularly as he gets into writing his first film score.

I am closing in on the last few illustrations for the next book in the Old Doc Turtle Adventures, You’ll Be Scared Too. It will be released in about a month or so.


I’m getting itchy to play again. I’ll keep you posted.


Coming Announcements


April 13, 2022